Sun Halo over Sweden

What’s happened to the Sun? Sometimes it looks like the Sun is being viewed through a giant lens. In the featured video, however, there are actually millions of tiny lenses: ice crystals. Water may freeze in the atmosphere into small, flat, six-sided, ice crystals. As these crystals flutter to the ground, much time is spent with their faces flat and parallel to the ground. An observer may find themselves in the same plane as many of the falling ice crystals near sunrise or sunset. During this alignment, each crystal can act like a miniature lens, refracting sunlight into our view and creating phenomena like parhelia, the technical term for sundogs. The featured video was taken in late 2017 on the side of a ski hill at the Vemdalen Ski Resort in central Sweden. Visible in the center is the most direct image of the Sun, while two bright sundogs glow prominently from both the left and the right. Also visible is the bright 22 degree halo — as well as the rarer and much fainter 46 degree halo — also created by sunlight refracting through atmospheric ice crystals. [via NASA]

Publicado por

Rafael Bustamante

Malagueño desde que abrí los ojos, allá por mayo del 71, he procurado desde entonces que nada me los cierre. Tengo la suerte de trabajar como neurólogo en el hospital de mi tierra, donde trato de aliviar, en la medida en que la naturaleza y la ciencia me permiten, las dolencias de mis conciudadanos y de nuestros visitantes, cuando se encuentran en el trance vital de alguna enfermedad neurológica que amenaza su bienestar. Cuando la amenazada es la sociedad, por otro tipo de procesos mórbidos, cuento con mi opinión, podrá juzgarse si acertada o no, pero siempre sincera.

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