This is how the Sun disappeared from the daytime sky last month. The featured time-lapse video was created from stills taken from Mountain View, Arkansas, USA on 2024 April 8. First, a small sliver of a normally spotted Sun went strangely dark. Within a few minutes, much of the background Sun was hidden behind the advancing foreground Moon. Within an hour, the only rays from the Sun passing the Moon appeared like a diamond ring. During totality, most of the surrounding sky went dark, making the bright pink prominences around the Sun’s edge stand out, and making the amazing corona appear to spread into the surrounding sky. The central view of the corona shows an accumulation of frames taken during complete totality. As the video ends, just a few minutes later, another diamond ring appeared — this time on the other side of the Moon. Within the next hour, the sky returned to normal. [via NASA]

Publicado por

Rafael Bustamante

Malagueño desde que abrí los ojos, allá por mayo del 71, he procurado desde entonces que nada me los cierre. Tengo la suerte de trabajar como neurólogo en el hospital de mi tierra, donde trato de aliviar, en la medida en que la naturaleza y la ciencia me permiten, las dolencias de mis conciudadanos y de nuestros visitantes, cuando se encuentran en el trance vital de alguna enfermedad neurológica que amenaza su bienestar. Cuando la amenazada es la sociedad, por otro tipo de procesos mórbidos, cuento con mi opinión, podrá juzgarse si acertada o no, pero siempre sincera.

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