Cosmic Collision Forges Galactic Ring

How could a galaxy become shaped like a ring? The rim of the blue galaxy pictured on the right is an immense ring-like structure 150,000 light years in diameter composed of newly formed, extremely bright, massive stars. That galaxy, AM 0644-741, is known as a ring galaxy and was caused by an immense galaxy collision. When galaxies collide, they pass through each other — their individual stars rarely come into contact. The ring-like shape is the result of the gravitational disruption caused by an entire small intruder galaxy passing through a large one. When this happens, interstellar gas and dust become condensed, causing a wave of star formation to move out from the impact point like a ripple across the surface of a pond. The likely intruder galaxy is on the left of this combined image from Hubble (visible) and Chandra (X-ray) space telescopes. X-ray light is shown in pink and depicts places where energetic black holes or neutron stars, likely formed shortly after the galaxy collision, reside. [via NASA]

Publicado por

Rafael Bustamante

Malagueño desde que abrí los ojos, allá por mayo del 71, he procurado desde entonces que nada me los cierre. Tengo la suerte de trabajar como neurólogo en el hospital de mi tierra, donde trato de aliviar, en la medida en que la naturaleza y la ciencia me permiten, las dolencias de mis conciudadanos y de nuestros visitantes, cuando se encuentran en el trance vital de alguna enfermedad neurológica que amenaza su bienestar. Cuando la amenazada es la sociedad, por otro tipo de procesos mórbidos, cuento con mi opinión, podrá juzgarse si acertada o no, pero siempre sincera.

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